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Carriers of Dust
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  • Playing the remake of the first RE on wii, And listening to I wrestled a Bear once! then after, going to my gym, then go make some money on a tile job, then play RE0!
    I don't have anything right this moment but I'm sure, if given some time, I could whip something up for you. Do you want all three characters in it or just one?
    :lol: No - there's only one mod here and that's Romero but we have two admins - Steve and Angel. They aren't on much, though - they also run a DMC forum.
    Ah yes, elitist @$$holes - those types are usually put into their places rather quickly so I don't think you need to worry about that. ;) You're right about there being many different perspectives - sometimes it gets a little heated around here but overall I think everyone's rather friendly, civil at worst. (No one's a real @$$hole or anything.)

    I'm glad you're enjoying yourself; it's always nice to get new members who actually want to be part of the forum, not spam or be here for a day or so and leave, never to return. :lol:
    Tired as hell lol...I just got home from a night out, playing pool with my girls. How are you?
    i was young when i first saw 2, so i was really creeped out...i played one an' the first zombie cutscene scared the hell outta me, nowadays its keepin the creepy ass tunes outta my head :lol:

    tremor's a big help XD
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