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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) First A Rank in RE3


Well-Known Member
This is the hardest of the first three RE's to get the A rank, I died somany times but I got it.

No AutoAim/Hard Mode/No Infinite Ammo On Any Weapons/NO Saves States

The best way to get A rank in re3,

-You can't use any aid sprays through the whole entire game.

-You can use only single herbs, or double-mixed herbs no triple (no red+green herb either)

-No Saving the game (yea so when i died.. i had to start ALL OVER AGAIN)

-Try not to get hit at all in the beginning, you can on the giant worm boss fight in the graveyard, clock tower nemesis too but not at the end when you fight nemesis in that garbage room with the acid traps on the walls, just unload freeze rounds (make shure you have at least 18) and he will be stunned the whole time and wont be able to hit you as long as you hold the fire button on him (I never got hit here)

-The Mikhail vs Nemesis fight you can skip, once you get in that room with nemesis on the train, simply go back to the same door you came in and mikhail will do the rest.

-Game beaten under 2hours and 30minutes

^ You do all of this in RE3 and you have a huge chance of geting that A rank, its possible with just some practice.

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Deleted member 21244

This is the hardest of the first three RE's to get the A rank, I died somany times but I got it.

No AutoAim/Hard Mode/No Infinite Ammo On Any Weapons/NO Saves States

The best way to get A rank in re3,

-You can't use any aid sprays through the whole entire game.

-You can use only single herbs, or double-mixed herbs no triple (no red+green herb either)

-No Saving the game (yea so when i died.. i had to start ALL OVER AGAIN)

-Try not to get hit at all in the beginning, you can on the giant worm boss fight in the graveyard, clock tower nemesis too but not at the end when you fight nemesis in that garbage room with the acid traps on the walls, just unload freeze rounds (make shure you have at least 18) and he will be stunned the whole time and wont be able to hit you as long as you hold the fire button on him (I never got hit here)

-The Mikhail vs Nemesis fight you can skip, once you get in that room with nemesis on the train, simply go back to the same door you came in and mikhail will do the rest.

-Game beaten under 2hours and 30minutes

^ You do all of this in RE3 and you have a huge chance of geting that A rank, its possible with just some practice.

Awesome, I actually never get and A rank in resident evil 3, i did try sometimes but died because of the gravedigger or nemesis...
I didn't know the nemesis boss in the train could be skypped, nice tips

Excellent work for the rest


Well-Known Member
At the beginning of the gravedigger fight just run all the way back, when you hear him go up thats when get free hits untill he hits you then he borrows.

This is where he will pop out and hit you.. try to lurn him out then run/180 quick turn and get a hit. He usually pops out and tries to bite you 3-4 times untill he comes out and starts crawling at you. He does the whole thing all over again.

Yeah it's ok... they have people on youtube doing knife only runs.


Kahnum of Outworld
You actually don't have to fight grave digger either. You can run around until the light poles start to lean over the puddle of water, shoot the light poles and then stand in this area until he comes back up. He will electrocute himself.

I just got an A rank for the first time on this game myself just the other day as well and it was rather easy. I watched an A rank run and got some good tips on gunpowder management, the best ammo against clocktower Nemesis and disposal Nemesis and the best places to encounter Nemesis during the game. (For instance it's easier to get away from him without damage at the substation than at the pharmacy so, even though you might have to come back for the grenade launcher/magnum or the fuse - depending on what you pick up - on the way back to the cable car, the reward outweighs the minute or two you lose by going back.)

You can use first aid sprays and red/green herbs, by the way. The thing with the ranking system is that it is essentially a score card for which we don't readily have the requirements but here's what I found and it really helped me.

You have to have 270 points or more to nab an A/S rank and the three things that you're graded on are as follows:

  • Playtime
  • Saves
  • Health recovered
So you get 100 points for beating the game in 2:29:59 or less. After that the amount of points you receive decreases by 10 depending on what time you get in relation to the best time.

You get 100 points for not saving. This decreases by 10 for every save up to 3 then it starts to group saves together. (4-5 is a certain set of points then it jumps to 6-8 and so on and so forth.) You have a little leeway. If you feel you have to save before clocktower Nemesis, do so just make sure your game time is on point and you don't get hit a lot.

This last thing really confused me because, as far as I know, there's no real way to keep up with how much health you've recovered unless you have the PC version. You get 100 points for recovering 1500 or less. I'm not sure exactly how much first aid sprays recover but I generally try to pick up every herb along the way and use herbs before I use my first aid sprays but I have used a first aid spray and still received an A ranking.

The ranking system gives you a 30 point curve to still nab an A rank you just need to be cognizant of saves, time and how many times you're hit/how many healing items you used.

Once I knew exactly what I was getting graded for it was a lot easier to manage myself in game accordingly.


Kahnum of Outworld
@Albertwesker959 I would watch this playthrough before you do:

Guy really helped me with the gunpowder management and he also let me know that you can beat Gravedigger in 12 acid rounds and disposal Nemesis in 11 freeze rounds.

And he's playing the American version on a console. This was super helpful because apparently Nemesis takes more shots in the American version than the Japanese version.

Which is why most speed runners use the Japanese version to do so because it's easier. Who knew, right?


Well-Known Member
1 Aid spray/no green+red/no saves/2Hr29Min complete time or less is a gauranteed A. But I prefer not to use any aid sprays or green+red herbs so its SUPER gauranteed :)

It really starts to bite when I see a grade lower then A now... better off playing it you're own way (more fun)
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Alexis Evanz Reider

Legendary survivor
if i do remember , least than 3 saves , using less herbs and time, will provide you A rank.
in RE2 you shouldn't use F.aid Spray.
anyway you did great , its not easy at all in RE3 to have an A rank. you should be profissional

Damet garm ( Congregate )


To help clear up some of the final confusion on A/S Rank Requirements. As previously stated you need 300-270 points at games end so you do have a Tiny window to make some small marginal errors. You are NOT necessarily Locked into
-NO Saves
-No Time over 2:30:00
-No healing items
That 30 point reprieve the game gives you is so that if you just ABSOLUTELY HAVE to run a little over on time, or feel you Must save 1-2 times, or you just cannot get through w/o some healing. Basically the best thing to do is shoot for Perfect Time, 0 saves, and 0 F.Aid.
But it’s really just best to pick whichever you believe will be your weakest Stat, just shoot for perfect on the other two, and know how much leeway you have to …..say use healing items if you’re not great at avoiding 95% of hits. -OR- How many saves you can use before you shave over your extra 30 points off.

Basically you begin your game with 300 points. Taking actions like extended completion time, Saving, and using a lot of Recovery Items will drop points from your 300 (100/per category basically).

Time & Saves are Fairly straight forward you go over the time limit or begin making saves…you will have points subtracted. I’m including the #’s for you guys.

Time(s) # of Saves
0-2:30:00 -100/100pts. 0 - 100/100 pts.
2:31-2:40 -90/100pts. 1 - 90/100 pts.
2:41-3:00 -80/100pts. 2 - 80/100 pts.
3:01-3:30 -70/100pts. 3 - 70/100 pts.
3:31-4:10 -60/100pts. 4-5 - 60/100 pts.
4:11-5:00 -50/100pts. 6-8 - 50/100 pts.
5:01-6:00 -40/100pts. 9-12 - 40/100 pts.
6:01-7:10 - 30/100pts. 13-17- 30/100 pts.
7:11-8:30 - 20/100pts. 18-23-20/100 pts.
8:31-10.00-10/100pts. 24-30-10/100 pts.
<10 hours -0/100 pts. 31+ - 0 /100 pts.

Health is A little more tricky, but it’s also the one most people need a little forgiveness with! And you can still get in A ranking even if you use a recovery item or 2.
Basically The game assigns a value to each healing item. Each time one of these items is used that value of the item is added up to your total healing score for for the game! The scores are generous enough that you can use a handful of healing items and still receive an A ranking, no problem.

Basically Healing Items get figured by a cumulative score. After the Value Of any you’ve used up are added together, whatever that value comes out to be determines how much or little of the 100 points you get for the healing category.

Item Values
F.Aid Spray -200
Green + Red Herb -200
Green Herb x 3 -200
Green Herb x 2 -100
Green Herb x 1 -50
Blue Herb - No Penalty

* I was not actually able to locate the green, red, and blue herb combination. Basically the Gold Herb blend. But ( And I’m only speculating here do not take this as fact. I’m assuming since Full Heal items seem to penalize 200 and Blue Herbs carry No Penalty. I’d THINK the gold mix is 200 as well…..

Healing Item usage score requirements.
1500 or Less - 100/100 pts.
1501-1700 - 90/100 Pts.
1701-1900 - 80/100 pts.
1901-2100 - 70/100 pts.
2101-2300 -60/100 Pts.
2301-2500 -50/100 Pts.
2501-2700 -40/100 Pts.
2701-2900 -30/100 Pts.
2901-3100 -20/100 Pts.
3101-3300 -10/100 Pts.
3301 + -0 points

In Short I could use up to 7 full heals (Full healing items are 200 points each so that’s 1400) ,and still have enough for one 2x Gr. Herb @100 pts. or 2 singles @ 50 pts./ea. equaling 1500 points, and that still lets me have my 100/100 Points for the Healing Usage Category.

So that’s how ya figure it up in a precise manner if anyone wants to!! Happy Hunting fellow RE fans!! ‍♂️⛏‍♀️
You actually don't have to fight grave digger either. You can run around until the light poles start to lean over the puddle of water, shoot the light poles and then stand in this area until he comes back up. He will electrocute himself.

I just got an A rank for the first time on this game myself just the other day as well and it was rather easy. I watched an A rank run and got some good tips on gunpowder management, the best ammo against clocktower Nemesis and disposal Nemesis and the best places to encounter Nemesis during the game. (For instance it's easier to get away from him without damage at the substation than at the pharmacy so, even though you might have to come back for the grenade launcher/magnum or the fuse - depending on what you pick up - on the way back to the cable car, the reward outweighs the minute or two you lose by going back.)

You can use first aid sprays and red/green herbs, by the way. The thing with the ranking system is that it is essentially a score card for which we don't readily have the requirements but here's what I found and it really helped me.

You have to have 270 points or more to nab an A/S rank and the three things that you're graded on are as follows:

  • Playtime
  • Saves
  • Health recovered
So you get 100 points for beating the game in 2:29:59 or less. After that the amount of points you receive decreases by 10 depending on what time you get in relation to the best time.

You get 100 points for not saving. This decreases by 10 for every save up to 3 then it starts to group saves together. (4-5 is a certain set of points then it jumps to 6-8 and so on and so forth.) You have a little leeway. If you feel you have to save before clocktower Nemesis, do so just make sure your game time is on point and you don't get hit a lot.

This last thing really confused me because, as far as I know, there's no real way to keep up with how much health you've recovered unless you have the PC version. You get 100 points for recovering 1500 or less. I'm not sure exactly how much first aid sprays recover but I generally try to pick up every herb along the way and use herbs before I use my first aid sprays but I have used a first aid spray and still received an A ranking.

The ranking system gives you a 30 point curve to still nab an A rank you just need to be cognizant of saves, time and how many times you're hit/how many healing items you used.

Once I knew exactly what I was getting graded for it was a lot easier to manage myself in game accordingly.
This is awesome! I’m 35 and this is the only title (I don’t play past 4) I haven’t gotten the highest rank in and is super hard to me! I’m about to start my try again because I only just beat it on hard barely a couple years ago. Thanks for your insights and I will definitely be using a walkthrough from YouTube lol!


Well-Known Member
Good job. I personally don't care about the grades anymore, just wan't to remember the game from start to finish. I can't do that on code veronica, still need a guide for that one.
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