Recent content by Lirium

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  1. Lirium

    Resident Evil 6 Jake Muller - the Wesker offspring theories thread

    I think Jake Muller is Steve Burnside. :3 I'm just saying....
  2. Lirium

    Summer Superhero Movies

    I saw Cap at the midnight release, it was amazing. Easily my favorite Marvel movie, followed CLOSE by First Class. Cap was just amazing, I was so scared that Evans would overdo it but honestly he was great. And I appreciated all the outside research he did to better fit Cap. Even it's trademark...
  3. Lirium

    Do you think Resident Evil Begins is ever going to be released?

    Clearly something isn't getting communicated here. Not too sure what you're really trying to argue anymore, other than you don't like my opinion. (Which I regret to inform you, isn't changing anytime soon) I didn't say they weren't canon in the movie, but as I've stated a million times, don't...
  4. Lirium

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Jill Vs. Ada

    If you want to go off her burglary thing as a child, but honestly I feel being in S.T.A.R.S gave her some morals. If she went at Ada, it would be in a fair (or she would think) fight. I don't see her dropping flash-bang glasses or grappling onto roofs in order to best her. Where as Ada is just...
  5. Lirium

    Resident Evil 6 HUNK in Revelations

    Lol easy mistake, I mean honestly it would make sense. The only reason I know that fact is because I have a huge binder full of Resident Evil files, and whatnot.... (...I enjoy reading them when I'm bored :< )
  6. Lirium

    Do you think Resident Evil Begins is ever going to be released?

    But at least they kept things in common, Honestly the RE movies keep the bare minimum. Zombies, and some staple characters which they don't care all... Which they've shown. I get not making a movie directly like the game, however to take the name and change it completely so people...
  7. Lirium

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Jill Vs. Ada

    Ada. Yes Jill tackles Wesker out of a window. Cool. I'm sure Chris could tackle him out a window too, I think anyone could tackle someone out of a players tackle all the time. xD Just because she can tackle, doesn't mean she'll win. Ada's got a lot of gadgets that Jill wouldnt...
  8. Lirium

    What Are You Listening to?

  9. Lirium

    REN Birthdays

    February 3rd is mine! Uwah~
  10. Lirium

    Resident Evil 6 HUNK in Revelations

    All the children didn't start with A...xD Just Alex and Albert. Those were the only two who came to BE anything, but they all didn't start with A's. There was Felicia, Laura, Ken, Jonah, etc etc. I think there was even Hiro and Hans. >_<;
  11. Lirium

    Operation Raccoon City Jill or Leon

    Jill...because I fear Leon's emo hair would deflect the bullet into my face xD; No but seriously? Jill, it'll take a lot to do it, but Jill.
  12. Lirium

    Do you think Resident Evil Begins is ever going to be released?

    :< Why so they can make him partners with Jill and kill him by their own stupid canon? XD Agggghhhh... I dunno those movies just fill me with rage ;~; Why make something after a video game, if you're just going to change everything ever, and only keep the staple
  13. Lirium

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Scariest Part? lol

    :< when Nemesis comes and basically probes the crap out of Brad. Awwwkwardd! I was like "OH GOD HE HAS TENTACLES!" and then Nemesis chasing me up the stairs didn't help. I was screaming the whole way, you could hear him thudding! It was alarming!
  14. Lirium

    Do you think Resident Evil Begins is ever going to be released?

    :< No more RE moviess uwaaaah~ This makes me so sad...-sigh- If it is real, and does come out I probably wont watch it. I only saw the last one because a friend forced me, then paid for it. And even then I walked out...It's like them making a Zelda movie, but making the main character an elf...
  15. Lirium

    Resident Evil 5 do you think wesker will come back

    I would love for him to come back, buuut I doubt he will. Maybe someone would rebuild him, perhaps Alex or something. I don't know. At first when he died I was like "NOW WHO ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT!?" He was their primary villain and they didn't leave many backup options, I mean they could of at...