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Recent content by Flamer

  1. Flamer

    Resident Evil 5 Wesker Dead Or Alive(dedicated to 013)

    I think Wesker is still alive, although it would be weird as he as came back a lot!
  2. Flamer

    Resident Evil 5 Fear You Can't Forget?

    I aggree. They should've used that wording in a different Resident Evil game.
  3. Flamer

    The Leaving/Returning Thread

    Okay, see you when you get back ;)
  4. Flamer

    New yet now new :p

    Welcome to the board!
  5. Flamer

    Okay, thanks. I'll try that later. You're very helpful. =]

    Okay, thanks. I'll try that later. You're very helpful. =]
  6. Flamer

    After you kill Uburos with that flame thrower (I think it was him) you then continue through the...

    After you kill Uburos with that flame thrower (I think it was him) you then continue through the door and and if you look up at the ceiling their are like these bags or something, and then something jumps down from them and if they touch you they sorta punch you lots but like whatever it's...
  7. Flamer

    phpBB and IPB - 1 Question

    Hey guys, sorry if this is against the rules or whatever for asking a question about another host, but I just wanted to know something. Here we go. Thanks to who can answer them. phpBB I got this forum quite a while ago (about 4 months back) but have not done anything recently to it as I find...
  8. Flamer

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, Trinity!
  9. Flamer

    Chrisss is hot !!

    Haha, I lol'd at that a few times.:lol: But yeah he might suit Chris good.
  10. Flamer

    Claire here to kick zombie ass

  11. Flamer

    Resident Evil 5 Idea for RE6...KILL CHRIS !!!

    I wouldn't want Chris to die! He's awesome. But wouldn't it be cool if this time Wesker turns in to a good guy and you're him in the game, or Chris (you can select which one before you start the game) and then on the last level you and Wesker or you and Chris have a fight but with your bare...
  12. Flamer

    Hmmm.. so if I shoot them with the shotgun then they will die? Where do you shoot it, though? I...

    Hmmm.. so if I shoot them with the shotgun then they will die? Where do you shoot it, though? I shoot it in the stomach lots but it still won't die. Well when I say lots I mean about 3 times xD Lmao.
  13. Flamer

    Fine thanks! Yourself? And yeah I got that. Lmao. But maybe the username "Rouge Hunter" sounds...

    Fine thanks! Yourself? And yeah I got that. Lmao. But maybe the username "Rouge Hunter" sounds cool? Also I love Wesker, too! He's awesome! I'm still yet to complete RE5 but I'm stuck on the bit after you kill Uburos or someone with a name similair to that. Do you know that boss battle with that...
  14. Flamer

    Resident Evil 5 Is this the end for Wesker?

    Wouldn't it be funny if in the next Resident Evil, on the last level a spirit of Wesker goes in to your partners body, "she" or "he" turns in to Wesker and rips your guts out? Rofl. Either way, Weskers screwed because the hero always wins, and I can't see Wesker winning any Resident Evil game...
  15. Flamer

    Resident Evil 5 How do I beat Jill and Wesker?

    So does this mean Jill dies? Awwww :(
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