Resident Evil 4: Chainsaw Demo

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The King of Kings
Sep 4, 2013
Gotham City
Holy sh*t. Played through it twice. The game feels really good. I wasn't able to kill Salvador either. The first time, it just felt overwhelming and I hadn't been fully accustomed to the game, the 2nd time, I triggered him too late and was spending more time exploring the village. Though, more accurately, running by everything quickly.

I died several times too and was just shocked at how much more tense this game is. The enemies are faster, they have longer and more varied attack patterns, and there's a f*ck ton more of them. I was climbing a ladder and they even managed to hit me off of it, something I don't recall really being a possibility in the original. At one point, they were the ones to set the cow on fire and it came charging at me.

Leon is also much more fluid too, but it doesn't really make you feel like you have an edge over these enemies either. You'll be able to bypass them easier for sure, but when there's so many and you're running through them, it just feels so much more tense because you're actively dodging danger.

I also noticed aiming is a lot more accurate compared to the last 2 remakes, which I'm not complaining about because I'm still not entirely used to the whole gameplay loop and it doesn't feel like there's anyway to cheese your way through combat like in the original with the melee and knife routine.

But I managed to get fast head shots pretty consistently. Though, they weren't always stunned for a melee attack either and there's no prompt to finish them off when they're on the ground. The prompt only appears when they start spazzing out and there really isn't any time to stop and knife them, nor is it wise with the knife having limited durability.

My knife actually broke on the 2nd playthrough and I still haven't parried anything. So gunplay is definitely gonna be a lot more crucial this time around. I also didn't feel like I had much ammo either. Though, it will be easy to save it all up in the opening village sequence if you just run the timer and avoid everyone.

I also love how satisfying the flash bang feels in this game. There was like 3 instances in my 2 playthroughs and various retries where I used it and it stunned a large crowd and I just went to town meleeing them all in succession and it just felt so good. I even kicked a guy against a wall in one of the earlier sequences and he actually hit the wall and fell forward so I could stab him in the throat. Combat is just so much more tactile and feels great all around.

Still way too early to tell, but it definitely feels more like a survival horror game than the original just based on that opening alone. The atmosphere is great, the gameplay certainly leans into horror more, and there was even a drawer in the village that required a key to open. Overall, solid first impression.

Has anyone else played the demo yet?
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I found the demo to be pretty not bad. The controls are a bit more clunky than I expected and can't say I liked their responsiveness too much so this will take some practice. Ray Tracing causes the game to crash just like the others so this feature will remain turned off until Capcom finally figures it out. All-in-all the visuals are solid either way, no complaints and no particular praises either.

Gameplay is certainly improved from OG RE4 where's you can actually sneak around the village and stealth kill several ganados before either your knife breaks or you get spotted. Stealth is fun but you certainly get the impression that it's not a predominant gameplay feature and perhaps they implemented it late in development to spice it up a little bit. Combat is decent but nothing extraordinary, I do however like how your knife can break in order to prevent cheesing the game with it like you could OG RE4 (shoot ganado in the head, kick, knife before they get up) so this is an improvement.

The interface is ok, you can dive into your inventory anytime and it stlll pauses the game doing so, as is tradition. Crafting is done on the fly as you need both "gunpowder" and resources" to create either bullets or shells. I mean it's better than the original but I can't help but feel a workbench would have been better and the crafting system was much more fleshed out because all I saw was the ability to craft handgun bullets and shotgun shells. Perhaps the full game will flesh out the crafting system a little better. I just wish there was different types of specific ammo to craft for each weapon rather than just one type.

Voice acting and presentaion feels improved upon but all-in-all this is a minor thing to me. This Leon certainly reminds me of the one in 'Vendetta' and 'Damnation' minus the heavy drinking. Hunnigan was sufficient.

All-in-all the demo was about what I expected. A solid improvement from the original game with extended features and presentation but some serious time needed, for me at least, to master the control scheme, which didn't immediately click with me. I look forward to laying out gameplay strategies and seeing how all the characters flesh out in this remake.
I agree with most of what @Turo602 said about the demo, it echoes my feelings too. It's nice to be forced to adopt new procedures for enemies and it's nice to see them actually getting up quickly, so if you want to slash them on the ground you need to be fast. It was pretty cool to see Salvador not being a pushover who's knocked easily with a single shotgun blast. The guy was tough. I played the demo twice and killed him once, but it took all the shotgun shells I had (6, I think?), plus the two grenades I found and some handgun bullets. And on the end of the sequence I had only a few handgun bullets. It reminded me a bit of RE5's crowd section, where you really need to work hard if you want to kill the Executioner to pick up the treasure. There's also a second Salvador that can enter the village via the gate Leon used (you see a little cutscene of him entering the village), but I'm not sure how I triggered his appearance.
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i think I got the controls down pat now. I'm just so used to RE2Make and Rev2, where you're some lumbering avatar, that I needed to adjust to them. These are actually superior controls for survival horror because they are much more flexible and designed to make you quickly "snap" out of dangerous situations when you're being engulfed makes fleeing feel more tense and urgent. Very good direction here and I hope something like this becomes the gold standard to be built upon. Felt good killing Salvador, even if it took 3grenades, 5 shotgun blasts, and a few handgun bullets.

Anyone else chuckle a little bit inside when Leon says "Where are they going to, Bingo?"? That was, to me at least, a total glorious "Bruce Campbell" B-movie moment.
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I found it to be pretty neat, it feels like playing the original but with a more lived-in, realistic appearance which is exactly what I was hoping for. Then again, this is just the village part of the game and I'm more cautiously optimistic about the later parts, such as the castle.

I'm glad that it gave me a challenge and didn't try to hold my hand. Even though I succeeded without dying a single time during my first try, during my second and third playthrough I died multiple times after being more careless with the ammo and running around a lot more. The combat is intense, just like in the original, but doesn't feel as "videogamey" which is a big positive.

On a more important note, did anyone else also notice that the intro sequence for the remake did NOT mention that Umbrella has been taken down? I don't know if this was intentionally omitted or not, but it begs the question if Capcom has serious plans about following up the post-credit scene of RE3 remake with an actual full-fledged game about Umbrella's last stand that would effectively take place sometime before RE4. Perhaps I'm just fantasizing here as usual, because if we know Capcom well enough they'd never go for such a good idea, and that post-credit scene will remain unresolved just like so much else in the RE games...
On a more important note, did anyone else also notice that the intro sequence for the remake did NOT mention that Umbrella has been taken down? I don't know if this was intentionally omitted or not, but it begs the question if Capcom has serious plans about following up the post-credit scene of RE3 remake with an actual full-fledged game about Umbrella's last stand that would effectively take place sometime before RE4. Perhaps I'm just fantasizing here as usual, because if we know Capcom well enough they'd never go for such a good idea, and that post-credit scene will remain unresolved just like so much else in the RE games...

I honestly would rather have them remake the last chapter of 'Umbrella Chronicles' into a full fledged game but starring Chris and Jill as the main center stage characters, not Wesker and Sergei, than I would a 'Code Veronica' remake. However, I don't want to attract the ire of 'Code Veronica' fans so I would welcome either or. That would just be a personal preference of mine. I think that's good territory to explore more in depth because it felt like cheese as a single chapter in a rail shooter.

For those that may not know, the last chapter in 'Umbrella Chronicles' is where Umbrella HG gets taken down by Chris and Jill, but only in the background. Capcom was so faithful to their fans at the time that they "listened" to the fan complaints about Umbrella's diappearance from the series and decided to shove it in to a single chapter, in a rail shooter, as a background story.
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I watched a lot of it on Twitch and it’s a given that RE5 and RE6 will be getting remake treatments down the line as well. It would be weird to simply stop at RE4 and never remake any other title. It will become harder to go from RE4R to OG RE5 with how outdated the controls will feel in comparison to this.
As much I'd like for them to just remake the rest of the series up until 5 and then center new games around the remakes, after what I've played and seen of RE4, I'm honestly at a point where an RE6 remake won't bother me. The game had great ideas and amazing set piece moments that would look and play incredible in the RE engine.

If they could turn RE6 into a more focused and polished game with revamped level design and mechanics, I'd be all for it, especially if it springboards into new stories that would have served as appropriate sequels than what we ended up getting.

The RE engine is just such a game changer to me and I want more of this kind of Resident Evil than I do whatever the hell they've been doing with 7 and Village.

I know back in 2002, after REmake came around and set the bar for Resident Evil games, I would have absolutely loved to have seen 2, 3, and CVX brought up to that same standard while simultaneously expanding on that formula by reintroducing and playing around with their respective innovations.

Hell, Resident Evil 3.5 was so interesting because it looked like the next step up from what REmake had established. But unfortunately, the series would go into a new direction and that standard that REmake set was never capitalized on. After RE2 and now RE4, this is a rare second chance for this series, and I'll gladly take more of it.
According to someone who already has got there hands on Re4 remake early they would give the game so far 10/10.
I honestly think that, before moving the series foward, they really need to remake Code Veronica. I mean, RE2R is still fresh on everyone's mind and to everyone who is joining the series now, it would be cool for them to see where Claire goes from there. I don't like the original CV that much, on both story and gameplay fronts, so a remake could help elevate that even more, especially with the more serious and attentive tone the series had been giving lately (although I'm glad they kept some of Leon's tongue-in-cheek humor in the RE4R), which would do wonders to CV's anime-esque storyline. I really, really hope that if we have another Remake, that they would turn into CV for that. Besides, I think that, gameplay wise and graphically speaking, RE5 holds it just fine. Same for me with RE6 (I do appreciate RE6 for what it is. I really have fun playing it, especially Leon and Chris campaigns)
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I honestly think that, before moving the series foward, they really need to remake Code Veronica. I mean, RE2R is still fresh on everyone's mind and to everyone who is joining the series now, it would be cool for them to see where Claire goes from there. I don't like the original CV that much, on both story and gameplay fronts, so a remake could help elevate that even more, especially with the more serious and attentive tone the series had been giving lately (although I'm glad they kept some of Leon's tongue-in-cheek humor in the RE4R), which would do wonders to CV's anime-esque storyline. I really, really hope that if we have another Remake, that they would turn into CV for that. Besides, I think that, gameplay wise and graphically speaking, RE5 holds it just fine. Same for me with RE6 (I do appreciate RE6 for what it is. I really have fun playing it, especially Leon and Chris campaigns)
I am guessing capcom will either remake RE5, RE1 or Code Veronica next
I'm thinking we should actually start taking this one game at a time before this blows into infinite speculation and theoretical ad-continuum. RE4R is right around the corner and contains much mechanical and thematic improvements to the original and perhaps the series at large. Awesome, will definitely enjoy it for what it is and provide feedback and analysis on it for probably 2-3 years until the next REmake drops.

RE9 will most certainly be the game after RE4R and I actually do have some optimism for it now that Ethan and Rose are out of the way, Blue Umbrella, Evil BSAA and The Connections are still around, and the 3rd person push that came with the 'Shadows of Rose' expansion. There's certainly all the ingredients for a great game here, the question is whether they will bake it into something truly remarkable. It seems a no-brainer that borrowing elements from these remakes is the way to go here. They just need to not make the plot some convulted meta mess that was most pronounced in RE5 and RE6. Keep it focused, subtle, and survival horror.

I'm also hearing stories about flaming chainsaws in this demo but I have yet to unlock anything of the sort, even after beating it several times. Also, apparantly it's possible to pick up the TMP in a well if you drop all of your equipment and weapons before entering the double doors that lead to the village. Interesting, that is such a "Capcom" thing to do and may just try it out for kicks.

EDIT Got it





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I'm also hearing stories about flaming chainsaws in this demo but I have yet to unlock anything of the sort, even after beating it several times. Also, apparantly it's possible to pick up the TMP in a well if you drop all of your equipment and weapons before entering the double doors that lead to the village. Interesting, that is such a "Capcom" thing to do and may just try it out for kicks.
Yeah, I got the TMP as soon as I heard about it. I haven't been able to trigger Mad Chainsaw Mode yet, but apparently, there's a button input you can do to trigger it every time you start. On Xbox it's hold down LB and RB and press up, left, down, right on the D-Pad and then press X, Y, B, A, A. It's the same input for Playstation.

Besides, I think that, gameplay wise and graphically speaking, RE5 holds it just fine. Same for me with RE6.
Here's the thing though, people said the same exact thing about RE4 up until recently, and even then, I still see the occasional comment saying it doesn't need a remake, and while I do agree that RE5 and RE6 are modern enough experiences to not warrant remakes, especially anytime soon, after what I've seen from RE4 and the recent leaks, I think there's tons of merit to remaking these games, or at the very least, RE5, since it's not only the final chapter of the original games' arc, but pretty much goes hand in hand with RE4 seeing as it's just RE4 but in co-op. It just kinda makes sense to build from RE4 while the iron is still hot.

But of course, there's still a matter of establishing the Chris portion of the series before jumping to the end, which is why I actually don't mind that they've jumped ahead to RE4 before Code Veronica. RE4 is largely inconsequential to the other games and only really continues Leon's story, which is why I love their approach to this remake with how they're treating this like more of a direct sequel to Leon's portion of RE2 and don't even mention the fall of Umbrella in the opening. Which gives me hope that they do indeed have bigger plans for that storyline.

The reason I'm dreaming so far ahead though, is because Resident Evil 2 was hands down one of the most impressive games I've ever played and everything I could have ever wanted from Resident Evil since the change to the over the shoulder perspective. But that doesn't mean that I wasn't a fan of where the series went in terms of its scope and overall ideas. I just always felt the games themselves weren't executed properly, but there were still moments of brilliance littered throughout the series and that brilliance is finally being fully realized judging from the leaks I've seen which have completely blown me away because it brings me back to the days where I could only dream of what could have been when it came to Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6, and we're now at a point where those pipe dreams can now be a reality and it's just unreal to me.

The more self-indulgent side of me just wants to see them go bigger and better with the likes of Resident Evil 5 and 6, not just because they can, but because Resident Evil 4 looks absolutely incredible and is only the beginning for this type of Resident Evil game. I can only imagine what they could do to make a game like RE5 not just more tense and survival horror-like, but absolutely balls to the wall insane with its more spectacular set-pieces brought to life through actual gameplay and not just through QTEs, cutscenes, or on rail segments. There's literally so much they can do to not just improve upon RE5, but to make it one of the biggest video game releases of the modern era, like I'm confident RE4 will be, which is putting a game like Village, an actual brand new mainline entry, to shame in just about every way.

With that being said, I still long to see Code Veronica get the Resident Evil 2 treatment, and I mean that in more ways than one. Resident Evil 4 is certainly taking the franchise forward all over again just by its very nature, but a game like Code Veronica and even Resident Evil 1 have the potential to slow things down and offer a much more pure survival horror experience like we got with Resident Evil 2. That way, the series isn't just evolving right back into what they've made tremendous effort to get away from. They're nailing balancing horror with the more outrageous aspects of the series, and while that's great and all, there's no reason for zombie games like Resident Evil 1 and Code Veronica to follow that direction. There's still an audience for this type of survival horror and there's no reason these 2 styles couldn't co-exist and even serve as a way to bring the series back to its roots or just offer a break from the more action oriented entries.
When I watched demo playthroughs and was listening to people go on and on about the graphics, I was honestly like what's the big deal? I don't know if it's because RE4 has always looked a little stylized to me, much in the same was RE5 does, or because it was already an over the shoulder experience, but I don't think the remake changes that much about the actual game.

Now we might get further looks at the game where they changed stuff a lot and it really does seem like a new experience but right now, just from the demo and what I remember of the game - because it has been a while - I still don't think it needed a remake. All you did, so far, was make it pretty.

I know, I know "but graphics" and "you just don't understand" etc. You're right, I don't get why it needed a remake over other games in the series with tank controls and fixed camera angles; things that are literally out of date and impede newer fans from being able to enjoy the entire series. I would have preferred it if they remade the first one again over remaking 4. And even to that point I'm like "I feel like you guys just remade the first one. You could've remade it with over the shoulder but you didn't and that's on you."
I literally just played classic RE4 and RE5 a few months ago and I thought they were junk, totally not aged very well (Even though at least RE5 had a good story), yet I played REmake HD Remaster not long ago and I thought it was glorious so I guess I know where my priorities are.

The demo has demonstrated such an improvement from old dusty arcade game that it was certainly a breath of fresh air and I thought the changes in the mechanics were sound. Not perfect, there's some things I would have done differently, but a huge improvement nonetheless.

I have warmed up to the idea that fixed camera angles are outdated and OTS works fine, but I just don't understand how anyone could say RE4 and RE5 classics still hold up well gameplay wise, we must be on different planets, because modern games function a whole heck of a lot better gameplay wise when it comes to controls and mechanics.
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That's your opinion and you're welcome to it. I personally don't have any issues going back and playing RE5 or the originals. Does it take some time to get used to playing differently? Yes. But my opinion and what I'm used to/can get used to doesn't mean anything in the scope of whether or not something is inviting to a player new to the franchise who started playing games, or was possibly even born after tank controls and fixed cameras stopped being a thing.

If the point of these remakes is to make classics more accessible and friendlier to a wider audience, remaking more recent games with more modern gameplay before older games with more obsolete gameplay seems counter productive. Especially when you're remaking them out of chronological order and more in profit margin order. Even worse when at least part of the reason the titles you're skipping did poorly was because of your own poor business practices. You gambled with console exclusives and lost.
I know a thing or two about guns and how they work, but as far as combat techniques go I am quite rusty, and was wondering why Leon holds the gun the way he does when a ganado gets close to him. Turns out Capcom has done their homework on close quarters gun-fighting and Leon is using something called the C.A.R. system which is an advanced technique that should be prerequisite to U.S. special forces.

Quite cool.
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