Holy sh*t. Played through it twice. The game feels really good. I wasn't able to kill Salvador either. The first time, it just felt overwhelming and I hadn't been fully accustomed to the game, the 2nd time, I triggered him too late and was spending more time exploring the village. Though, more accurately, running by everything quickly.
I died several times too and was just shocked at how much more tense this game is. The enemies are faster, they have longer and more varied attack patterns, and there's a f*ck ton more of them. I was climbing a ladder and they even managed to hit me off of it, something I don't recall really being a possibility in the original. At one point, they were the ones to set the cow on fire and it came charging at me.
Leon is also much more fluid too, but it doesn't really make you feel like you have an edge over these enemies either. You'll be able to bypass them easier for sure, but when there's so many and you're running through them, it just feels so much more tense because you're actively dodging danger.
I also noticed aiming is a lot more accurate compared to the last 2 remakes, which I'm not complaining about because I'm still not entirely used to the whole gameplay loop and it doesn't feel like there's anyway to cheese your way through combat like in the original with the melee and knife routine.
But I managed to get fast head shots pretty consistently. Though, they weren't always stunned for a melee attack either and there's no prompt to finish them off when they're on the ground. The prompt only appears when they start spazzing out and there really isn't any time to stop and knife them, nor is it wise with the knife having limited durability.
My knife actually broke on the 2nd playthrough and I still haven't parried anything. So gunplay is definitely gonna be a lot more crucial this time around. I also didn't feel like I had much ammo either. Though, it will be easy to save it all up in the opening village sequence if you just run the timer and avoid everyone.
I also love how satisfying the flash bang feels in this game. There was like 3 instances in my 2 playthroughs and various retries where I used it and it stunned a large crowd and I just went to town meleeing them all in succession and it just felt so good. I even kicked a guy against a wall in one of the earlier sequences and he actually hit the wall and fell forward so I could stab him in the throat. Combat is just so much more tactile and feels great all around.
Still way too early to tell, but it definitely feels more like a survival horror game than the original just based on that opening alone. The atmosphere is great, the gameplay certainly leans into horror more, and there was even a drawer in the village that required a key to open. Overall, solid first impression.
Has anyone else played the demo yet?
I died several times too and was just shocked at how much more tense this game is. The enemies are faster, they have longer and more varied attack patterns, and there's a f*ck ton more of them. I was climbing a ladder and they even managed to hit me off of it, something I don't recall really being a possibility in the original. At one point, they were the ones to set the cow on fire and it came charging at me.
Leon is also much more fluid too, but it doesn't really make you feel like you have an edge over these enemies either. You'll be able to bypass them easier for sure, but when there's so many and you're running through them, it just feels so much more tense because you're actively dodging danger.
I also noticed aiming is a lot more accurate compared to the last 2 remakes, which I'm not complaining about because I'm still not entirely used to the whole gameplay loop and it doesn't feel like there's anyway to cheese your way through combat like in the original with the melee and knife routine.
But I managed to get fast head shots pretty consistently. Though, they weren't always stunned for a melee attack either and there's no prompt to finish them off when they're on the ground. The prompt only appears when they start spazzing out and there really isn't any time to stop and knife them, nor is it wise with the knife having limited durability.
My knife actually broke on the 2nd playthrough and I still haven't parried anything. So gunplay is definitely gonna be a lot more crucial this time around. I also didn't feel like I had much ammo either. Though, it will be easy to save it all up in the opening village sequence if you just run the timer and avoid everyone.
I also love how satisfying the flash bang feels in this game. There was like 3 instances in my 2 playthroughs and various retries where I used it and it stunned a large crowd and I just went to town meleeing them all in succession and it just felt so good. I even kicked a guy against a wall in one of the earlier sequences and he actually hit the wall and fell forward so I could stab him in the throat. Combat is just so much more tactile and feels great all around.
Still way too early to tell, but it definitely feels more like a survival horror game than the original just based on that opening alone. The atmosphere is great, the gameplay certainly leans into horror more, and there was even a drawer in the village that required a key to open. Overall, solid first impression.
Has anyone else played the demo yet?