Resident Evil 5 How would you change RE5's story?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
Wanted to create this just like creating one for re6.

How would you change the game's story?


1. Add barry and rebecca to main story.
2. Jill doesnt get captured by wesker and is partnered with barry.
3. A longer re5 lin.
4. Chris is partnered with rebecca while sheva is partnered with josh.
5. More uroboros monsters along with a more lethal version.

I would like to see more opinions.
I think the main thing I wish was different is that Jill went with Chris after she was rescued to finish Wesker and Desperate Escape featured a Sheva/Josh team-up. I feel like that would've given everyone a better feeling about what happened in RE5. That was my biggest gripe with Sheva when I first played the game; she took a spot in the final battle I didn't think she deserved.

I would've also liked it if they had Sheva be a little more decisive when things started to hit the fan. She went from telling Chris they needed to get out of there to going with him because they were partners. They could've improved on her character/dialogue to make her seem less throwaway.

And to that effect, they could have dialed back the emphasis on partners throughout. (And not just with Sheva. That word is extremely overused in game.)

Perhaps most importantly, though: Doug should've lived.
I think if this is going to work I think that the main character should be Chris, and him alone. It is simply not fun at all when you have an AI partner in this game, simply annoying. Chris is apart of BSAA, and has been sent into Kijuju after it has been struck in a BOW attack that turned almost everyone there into Manjini. Excella and Wesker are still a thing, and I know one thing, the final battle will not take place in a Volcano.
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It's only wishful thinking, but...

- Sheva as a militia member as originally envisioned - and, even if she's still BSAA, no two-players campaign\storytelling. She could have her own scenario (like RE1 and 2) or be playable for some parts of the story (like RE3, C:V and RE4)
- No Plagas but faster zombies (again, as it was the original plan)
- Lost in Nightmares being the actual opening of the game
- No brainwashed Jill in a tight spandex suit (her being in suspended animation and given for dead is enough)
- A bit more background on Tricell
- No Wesker Children (Wesker kind of became a sort of villainous Mary Sue with that last bit)
- Some background on what Wesker did between Code: Veronica and RE5 (a different RE4 would've been required)
- Wesker being the only one who is planning on infecting the whole world by deceiving everyone else (it's hard to believe people would help him)
- No Matrix-style bs
- No volcano
- No boulder punching
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I would've kept Umbrella alive, the death of umbrella meant the death of the franchise to me.

RE5 would've been as if Umbrella secretly had a subsidiary in Kijuju that goes by the name "Tricell".
Wesker works for the organization but doesn't know that Tricell is secretly Umbrella's subsidiary who remains in the area to still conduct research on the progenitor virus and Excella is the appointed director of that company, that Wesker doesn't know is related to Umbrella.

As for Spencer, we could extend his life a little bit in RE5 and add a few new characters to represent main scientists and executives in the new umbrella that no one knows about.
And then we can just end the game with Wesker killing Excella after somehow knowing about her involvement with the new umbrella, and fleeing with his unfinished research to an unknown location, while the new Umbrella destroys their lab research in Kijuju to bury any sign of that research.

Not only this kept the real RE story going, but it also opens doors for more ideas for future games, such as the rivalry between Umbrella and the organization, and their activities and experiments on going, and the main characters (Leon, Chris, Ada, ect...) still having some sort of involvement.
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I would've kept Umbrella alive, the death of umbrella meant the death of the franchise to me.

RE5 would've been as if Umbrella secretly had a subsidiary in Kijuju that goes by the name "Tricell".
Wesker works for the organization but doesn't know that Tricell is secretly Umbrella's subsidiary who remains in the area to still conduct research on the progenitor virus and Excella is the appointed director of that company, that Wesker doesn't know is related to Umbrella.

As for Spencer, we could extend his life a little bit in RE5 and add a few new characters to represent main scientists and executives in the new umbrella that no one knows about.
And then we can just end the game with Wesker killing Excella after somehow knowing about her involvement with the new umbrella, and fleeing with his unfinished research to an unknown location, while the new Umbrella destroys their lab research in Kijuju to bury any sign of that research.

Not only this kept the real RE story going, but it also opens doors for more ideas for future games, such as the rivalry between Umbrella and the organization, and their activities and experiments on going, and the main characters (Leon, Chris, Ada, ect...) still having some sort of involvement.
So RE CVX establishes that alexia Ashford and Alfred Ashford are the first human clones made by Alexander Ashford used by what is implied the Veronica virus named after his ancestor Veronica Ashford and notice how Alexia and Alfred have mental problems caused by them being clone because that will come in later. In Re cvx albert wesker retrieves a sample of the t-veronica made by alexia fusing the t virus and Veronica virus together. In Re5 at the Spencer estate we see chris and Jill find and fight wesker and he almost kills chris so Jill sacrifices herself to just wound wesker. In the Spencer estate we learn Spencer inv wesker to his estate seemingly to be killed by wesker because he knew how much he hated him and wesker to take his place because of his immune DNA. In Africa in re5 the first scene we see of "Wesker" is him taking a injection for his proto virus even though we know wesker is immune and doesn't need injections at all so something seems to be off. Later on we see chris and sheva fight him near the airship and he seems to be holding back almost like he is not trying to kill them and you see him lose his mind during the fight almost like he knows what is to come soon for him and is very similar to alexia and Alfred mental problems from cloning, during re5 you see this Veronica wesker clone try to compose himself which is not very wesker like with real wesker always calm and stable. When they over inject him and they fight him on the Volcano notice how the uroboros makes him mutate,almost like this not the real immune wesker who can't mutate and would bond with the uroboros. And it is established in umbrella corps that wesker is the new umbrella and alive because it takes place 2 years after re5. What's poetic about that is that wesker in the end became what he hated,Spencer. Also the implications are clear that wesker made this Veronica clone to be a sacrificial decoy for him.Which is very genius and wesker like because,"How do you fight an enemy that is dead to everyone and the world? The answer is you don't fight at all."
And how exactly was her character not respected?

Personally, I would have removed the whole thing if Wesker and Spencer wanting conquer the world by infecting it all and ruling over the surviving mutants. That had already been done with Alexis, Marcus, and Saddler,. Everything up to that point implied that both just wanted to conquer the world with their bioweapons and money, ruling through ownership of Umbrella, rather than the whole godhood plan.

Also, I would have made it clear that Las Plagas was inherent to Europe, and clarify why the ones in Africa were given African names rather than keeping the Spanish ones.
Because she was downgraded to being Wesker's mind slave, which is a quite humiliating thing to do to a character which has up until that point been a strong heroic character and main protagonist.

Look at the first Avengers movie for example, and which Avenger they chose to put under Loki's mind control - Hawkeye. It's therefore no surprise that Hawkeye has been criticized by fans for being disrespected.

Here's how I would have done it - turn her into a clone instead, and have the real Jill fight against her evil doppelgänger.
"How would you change RE5's story?"

I would blow it up and create an actual survival horror story out of scratch.

Seriously, RE5 is when Resident Evil went off the beaten path and we got two action adventure shooters and two first person..... something else
"How would you change RE5's story?"

I would blow it up and create an actual survival horror story out of scratch.

Seriously, RE5 is when Resident Evil went off the beaten path and we got two action adventure shooters and two first person..... something else
I don't see how considering it was literally a copy and paste of RE4...
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Only the game engine was copied and pasted, from what I understand, I can't be sure, correct me, if I'm wrong.

But, when it comes to "story", I really didn't get the sense of a story-line, when I finished RE5

Let's cut to the chase

Resident Evil 5 release date: March 5, 2009

First Resident Evil movie release date: March 12, 2002

Tomb Raider Legend release date: April 7, 2006

First Tomb Raider movie release date: June 11, 2001

This is what I've always believed:

Hollywood paid Capcom and Eidos a ton of money to design these games according to how Hollywood wanted them to be presented, for the sake of making more money, obviously.

When those damned movies came out, I saw my video game fun go down the drain in a big way.

I hate those damned movies.

I didn't like seeing Angelina Jolies's lips on Lara's mouth on the cover of my copy of Tomb Raider Legend.

F**k Hollywood

And they raped Resident Evil as well. And all us fans got screwed for it, too.
Only the game engine was copied and pasted, from what I understand, I can't be sure, correct me, if I'm wrong.

But, when it comes to "story", I really didn't get the sense of a story-line, when I finished RE5

Let's cut to the chase

Resident Evil 5 release date: March 5, 2009

First Resident Evil movie release date: March 12, 2002

Tomb Raider Legend release date: April 7, 2006

First Tomb Raider movie release date: June 11, 2001

This is what I've always believed:

Hollywood paid Capcom and Eidos a ton of money to design these games according to how Hollywood wanted them to be presented, for the sake of making more money, obviously.

When those damned movies came out, I saw my video game fun go down the drain in a big way.

I hate those damned movies.

I didn't like seeing Angelina Jolies's lips on Lara's mouth on the cover of my copy of Tomb Raider Legend.

F**k Hollywood

And they raped Resident Evil as well. And all us fans got screwed for it, too.

I don't really see any correlation with the dates. Resident Evil 4 came out before 5 and after the first 2 films. I doubt Hollywood gives a flying crap about what the games are doing as they view themselves above the gaming industry anyway.

Capcom might have been influenced by the movies but purely because they made so much money and wanted a slice of that same pie as well. But I don't think there's much evidence to support such a claim anyway outside of Capcom's general need to appeal to a western audience.

Regardless, Capcom and Capcom alone are to blame for the direction the series took, not Hollywood, and that started with Resident Evil 4, which Resident Evil 5 merely copied.

Leon goes to Spain to find President's daughter, Chris goes to Africa in search of Jill. Leon's past comes back to haunt him, Chris' past comes back to haunt him. Crazy guy who wants to rule the world with parasites mutates and gets rocket in the face. It's literally the same exact structure and formula.

Also, I don't see how anyone could ever have a problem with Angelina Jolie's lips.
Also, I don't see how anyone could ever have a problem with Angelina Jolie's lips.

Lara is British, not Latina, so there may be a discrepancy with some hardcore Lara fans about that. I was always a casual TR fan, not a mega one so I could really not stress the issue one way or the other, but some fans do get a bit tribal on their peculiarities, as I think most of us know..
Lara is British, not Latina, so there may be a discrepancy with some hardcore Lara fans about that. I was always a casual TR fan, not a mega one so I could really not stress the issue one way or the other, but some fans do get a bit tribal on their peculiarities, as I think most of us know..
I mean, she's not Latina though... And Lara Croft has always had full lips. I don't really see the issue.
Regardless, Capcom and Capcom alone are to blame for the direction the series took, not Hollywood, and that started with Resident Evil 4, which Resident Evil 5 merely copied

"copied" like RE2 copied 1?

Leon goes to Spain to find President's daughter, Chris goes to Africa in search of Jill.

In two entirely different stories under entirely different circumstances that you are trying really hard to make seem like they are even remotely the same.

Leon's past comes back to haunt him, Chris' past comes back to haunt him. Crazy guy who wants to rule the world with parasites mutates and gets rocket in the face. It's literally the same exact structure and formula.

Leon’s past comes back to haunt him? In RE4? Think you need to replay it. Wesker didn’t care about the parasites and the rocket is a staple of RE endings.

I’m sure you thought you sounded clever but of course everyone is clever when they ignore things that make their points fall flat.
"copied" like RE2 copied 1?
I'd sure as f*ck hope RE2 copied RE1, it's a sequel after all. The games play similar, look similar, follow the same tropes, etc. Oh, let me guess, they're not because of some strange pedantic reasoning?

In two entirely different stories under entirely different circumstances that you are trying really hard to make seem like they are even remotely the same.
Just because they changed their homework a little doesn't make it this brand new unique thing that isn't following a formula established by RE4...

Leon’s past comes back to haunt him? In RE4? Think you need to replay it. Wesker didn’t care about the parasites and the rocket is a staple of RE endings.
Maybe you need to replay RE4... Ada? Krauser? Did I just make them up to be clever?

I’m sure you thought you sounded clever but of course everyone is clever when they ignore things that make their points fall flat.
Instead of being all offended and cherry picking statements to shoot down with nonsense, make an actual point. What the hell is your gripe anyway?
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I'd sure as f*ck hope RE2 copied RE1, it's a sequel after all. The games play similar, look similar, follow the same tropes, etc. Oh, let me guess, they're not because of some strange pedantic reasoning?

Top marks for undoing your own argument. Well done.

Just because they changed their homework a little doesn't make it this brand new unique thing that isn't following a formula established by RE4...

Top marks for refuting an argument I didn’t even make. Where the hell did I say RE5 was a brand new unique thing that isn’t following a formula established by 4…?

Maybe you need to replay RE4... Ada? Krauser? Did I just make them up to be clever?

Maybe you need to read better.

Instead of being all offended and cherry picking statements to shoot down with nonsense, make an actual point. What the hell is your gripe anyway?

Nice projection. My gripe? Your argument is ****. And you don’t like being challenged on it nor were you ready to be challenged on it, and that I find amusing.
Top marks for undoing your own argument. Well done.

Top marks for refuting an argument I didn’t even make. Where the hell did I say RE5 was a brand new unique thing that isn’t following a formula established by 4…?

Maybe you need to read better.

Nice projection. My gripe? Your argument is ****. And you don’t like being challenged on it nor were you ready to be challenged on it, and that I find amusing.
Maybe focus on being less witty and actually say something instead of making lazy ass comments because you're bored and apparently intimidated by me with how hard you're trying to "challenge" me with nonsense. Take your own advice and "read better" seeing as you've completely deviated from the original discussion by being pedantic about a comparison I made in regards to Murderer Enshrined's theory about RE5's direction.