Every resident evil game ending suck?

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Deleted member 21244

Can we all agree Thay every resident evil game ending and for ending i mean final cutscene, is bad?
I was just replaying the series after many years and I realize that every final cutscene in almost every residet evil game is really bad...

Every game always end whit the character killing off the final boss and leaving the scene into a transport like chopper or train, Than the protagonist deliver a stupid quotes, the transport goes into the sunset and the game end... That s pretty bad, it's always unsudisfying... Even the last resident evil game re 7 still hasn't manage to deliver a good ending, since even this time the protagonist go into a chopper after defeating the final boss and than the chopper fly into the sunset... Let's not even talk about re 2 remake true ending Wow good ending Capcom lol...

The only endings a find sudisfing is re 0 ending since Rebecca goes toward the mansion and the game end whit a view on the mansion and a zombified butterfly than the game end on a dark note because we know what is awaiting Rebecca...

The most beautiful ending are the chronicles one, they are good since each time they are narrated whit epic world by Albert wesker and they are extend cutscene that let you understand that things didn't end well and that something is coming next, like re 2 ending were you see what truly happen to leon and sherry...
What do you guys think of the resident evil ending, did you find them sudisfing or not?
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I don't have a problem with any of the endings. The dialogue and writing hasn't ever been like 'movie quality' so I don't know what you're really expecting from the endings and why they would be different from the in game cutscenes. As for the ending to the remake for re2, I don't see where it's especially bad. It's basically the same as the original so I don't see how it's so much worse than the others...
I think most of the endings of the RE6 campaigns are actually quite good. No matter how crappy the story as a whole is, it doesn't fail to deliver some awesome dramatic scenes. Special mention goes to Laura Bailey's voice work for Helena, and Ada's (long overdue) emotional breakdown at the end of her campaign.

And yeah, I also don't see how the ending of REmake 2 was any "worse" than the original. Sherry may seem a little too upbeat for a 12-year-old girl who just went through hell, lost her home and both parents, but maybe she's just a Stepford Smiler. Her question to Leon and Claire whether they're boyfriend and girlfriend, with that curious, yet completely innocent look on her face gets me every time.
I don't have a problem with any of the endings. The dialogue and writing hasn't ever been like 'movie quality' so I don't know what you're really expecting from the endings and why they would be different from the in game cutscenes. As for the ending to the remake for re2, I don't see where it's especially bad. It's basically the same as the original so I qdon't see how it's so much worse than the others...
In game cutscene were fare better in my opinion, they delevers emotion, that could be fear, sorrow, happines or other... The endings are simply bad written even for a b movie or z movie, and they simply doesn't want to deliver anything to the audience... They are simply cheap ending....

The ending from resident evil 2 remake is not the same as the ending from the original, since the original had leon Claire and sherry walk out from the train and than leon say that they had to take down umbrella, or if you are playing whit claire she day that she had to find Chris, all quotes that let you understand what they r next goal is, while the remake had leon sherry and Claire encountering a track driver who give them the middle finger than having the trio walking togheter like nothing ever happened and talking whit sherry of the fact if they are going to adoct her and get a puppy, terrible, not that the original was better Infact I never say that in my post, or that re 2 remake was fare worst than other resident evil ending... You are putting word in my mouth that I never say... I simply say: let's not even talk about re 2 remake ending... Because It wasn't any good

re 2 remake ending is orribile in my opinion since we are in 2019 and Capcom himself say that he wanted to change the story and dialogue to look more realistic but they pretty let the ending feel the same **** in my opinion, we are in 2019 but still Capcom is unable to make good ending like a decent horror game deserve... The darkside chronicles does a better job in putting a good ending to resident evil 2, they should have put that in the remake ...

I think most of the endings of the RE6 campaigns are actually quite good. No matter how crappy the story as a whole is, it doesn't fail to deliver some awesome dramatic scenes. Special mention goes to Laura Bailey's voice work for Helena, and Ada's (long overdue) emotional breakdown at the end of her campaign.

Yeah resident evil 6 endings try to be good but they are ruined by the stupid quotes or stupid plot point, like the fact that Helena is left free while she should have been executed or incarcereted since thanks to her betrayal thousand of people got killed including the president but they free her and than leon give the final stupid quotes : oh women!
In Chris ending Chris is called by a random guy into action again, mmmm ok...
Jake campaign we have Jake walking whit his motorcycle into the sunset whit sunglasses and he is trying to himitate wesker, just horrible
Ada ending was the best but was still ruined by that call in the end...
Jake secret ending is terrible, who care about that scene actually
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Well when you say:

Let's not even talk about re 2 remake true ending Wow good ending Capcom lol...

Forgive me if that makes it look like you're saying it's worse than the others in question.

And I was actually okay with Jake's secret ending. He was one of my favorite characters in Resident Evil 6 and I appreciated how much knowing Sherry changed him as a person as to help someone in need for the price of an apple. It showed character development and that doesn't usually happen in Resident Evil games.
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Well when you say:

Forgive me if that makes it look like you're saying it's worse than the others in question.

And I was actually okay with Jake's secret ending. He was one of my favorite characters in Resident Evil 6 and I appreciated how much knowing Sherry changed him as a person as to help someone in need for the price of an apple. It showed character development and that doesn't usually happen in Resident Evil games.
I like sherry and Jake character development, I like Jake as a character even if I dislike the fact That he is Albert wesker son... What I mean is that Capcom could have put the secret ending as a continuation of Jake campaign ending instead of putting it as a secret ending, since there is no secret in that ending and I was expecting some more important revelations...
When I saw the kid in the desert and than That man whit the hood approaching him I would have expect some important reveal, but than the hooded man reveal himself as Jake, and I was simply: ok so? I didn't see the point on keeping it as secret ending...
Yeah resident evil 6 endings try to be good but they are ruined by the stupid quotes or stupid plot point, like the fact that Helena is left free while she should have been executed or incarcereted since thanks to her betrayal thousand of people got killed including the president but they free her and than leon give the final stupid quotes : oh women!
In Chris ending Chris is called by a random guy into action again, mmmm ok...
Jake campaign we have Jake walking whit his motorcycle into the sunset whit sunglasses and he is trying to himitate wesker, just horrible
Ada ending was the best but was still ruined by that call in the end...
Jake secret ending is terrible, who care about that scene actually

All these endings are done that way to suggest that the characters' journeys aren't over yet, and that's where Ada's phone call comes in. She gets on another mission like the freelance agent that she is, Chris becomes the captain of a new BSAA unit (they're all doomed), and Jake keeps fighting BOWs. I think the revelation they were going for in his secret ending is that they were trying to set him up as a new recurring main character, but then both he as a character and the game he starred in didn't receive the stellar reception Capcom were hoping for, so they changed their minds and instead made RE7 into this amalgamation of every horror movie there ever was. Of course, this is just speculation on my part, I don't have any official sources to confirm any of it, but I think it's quite obvious.

I have to agree about Helena, though. This is the president we're talking about, so I doubt that an agent who assisted (albeit unwillingly) in his assassination would get away scot-free like that. She should at least have gone to prison, which of course would suck for her, but life isn't always fair. Besides, it would make for an interesting story to tell in the future, although given the RE franchise's track record with side characters, I don't believe we would ever have seen Helena again, even if Capcom hadn't gone for a complete U-turn after RE6.

And I was actually okay with Jake's secret ending. He was one of my favorite characters in Resident Evil 6 and I appreciated how much knowing Sherry changed him as a person as to help someone in need for the price of an apple. It showed character development and that doesn't usually happen in Resident Evil games.

Apart from that, it also gave us a believable love story for a change. I'm usually not a fan of those, but I feel like I have to mention it because all the other times Capcom tried to make us believe that there was some kind of chemistry between two characters (Leon and Ada in RE2, Claire and Steve in CV), it didn't convince me because the characters' feelings pretty much came out of nowhere. With Jake and Sherry, you can tell by their dialogue and interactions that they're slowly growing on each other. It's not perfect, but still one of the better aspects of RE6's storytelling if you ask me.
I think the revelation they were going for in his secret ending is that they were trying to set him up as a new recurring main character, but then both he as a character and the game he starred in didn't receive the stellar reception Capcom were hoping for, so they changed their minds and instead made RE7 into this amalgamation of every horror movie there ever was. Of course, this is just speculation on my part, I don't have any official sources to confirm any of it, but I think it's quite obvious.
Yeah I think this too, but I m glad Capcom changed they're mind and decided to not put Jake as protagonist of resident evil 7 and decide to change everything...
I hope we will see Jake again, but if they are going to put it in a next game they had to put him in a realistic way, not having him kicking zombie whit Kung fu move, and adding something about his parental connection whit wesker, they could explain that wesker used Jake mother as a guine pig for his experiment and put an embrion whit his DNA into her uterus, instead of having sex whit her...
I really didn't have any issues with the RE endings in general. I feel like it's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and I don't expect it to have some stellar, blockbuster ending. Also, as a writer, it has always been drilled into my head that endings should be as short and sweet as possible. If I want to know what happens after someone rides into the sunset, I'll play the sequel. I do not believe that an ending is obligated to do all of the audiences thinking for them. The only thing an ending is for is to end the story as quickly as possible after the story's climax. That's it.
I really didn't have any issues with the RE endings in general. I feel like it's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and I don't expect it to have some stellar, blockbuster ending. Also, as a writer, it has always been drilled into my head that endings should be as short and sweet as possible. If I want to know what happens after someone rides into the sunset, I'll play the sequel. I do not believe that an ending is obligated to do all of the audiences thinking for them. The only thing an ending is for is to end the story as quickly as possible after the story's climax. That's it.
Well resident evil game take himself seriously, yeah I don't expect to have some stellar blockbuster ending but at least a decent ending that stake whit the tone of the rest of the game, almost every resident evil ending its ridicolous and doesn't deliver anything....
I completely forgot the two revelation game in my previous post, those game gave the best ending in every re game since they deliver a sutisfying ending and the last cutscene are creepy and misteryus in both gamr, just what I expect from an horror game, while the other re game simply didn t want to mean anything for me at least
I actually agree with this sentiment. I just finished RE4 and thought the same thing - Leon and Ashley have some dialogue on a jet ski, and then... it is over. There could always be so much more added. Great reunions. Hidden moments. Secrets revealed. The lore has so much potential, but we're often given very little to work with.

The REmake endings are just as generic as the original RE. RE3 at least gives us some sort of information about what happened after Carlos and Jill escape.

If we look at other horror survival titans like Silent Hill, we see the opposite trend. SH games have unique endings that give us different explanations for what has happened in the game. For better or worse, they have some of the ultimate endings in all of gaming history due to the secret alien/dog endings. But their serious endings also have something to say.

A lot of RE games just end with a helicopter flying off in to the distance.
I actually agree with this sentiment. I just finished RE4 and thought the same thing - Leon and Ashley have some dialogue on a jet ski, and then... it is over. There could always be so much more added. Great reunions. Hidden moments. Secrets revealed. The lore has so much potential, but we're often given very little to work with.

The REmake endings are just as generic as the original RE. RE3 at least gives us some sort of information about what happened after Carlos and Jill escape.

If we look at other horror survival titans like Silent Hill, we see the opposite trend. SH games have unique endings that give us different explanations for what has happened in the game. For better or worse, they have some of the ultimate endings in all of gaming history due to the secret alien/dog endings. But their serious endings also have something to say.

A lot of RE games just end with a helicopter flying off in to the distance.
Agree, the re ending could have at least deliver some meaning, like other horror game ending like silent hill, the evil whitin, fear ecc
Well resident evil game take himself seriously, yeah I don't expect to have some stellar blockbuster ending but at least a decent ending that stake whit the tone of the rest of the game, almost every resident evil ending its ridicolous and doesn't deliver anything....
I completely forgot the two revelation game in my previous post, those game gave the best ending in every re game since they deliver a sutisfying ending and the last cutscene are creepy and misteryus in both gamr, just what I expect from an horror game, while the other re game simply didn t want to mean anything for me at least

So answer me this: Take for example REmake2. What exactly would you have wanted to see to make it a good ending? You keep saying you want something delivered. What is that something? Do you even know? Are you one of those people who just doesn't like ambiguous endings where literally anything can happen after the screen goes black? I'm genuinely curious because I would hear stuff like this on fanfiction.net when I wrote fan fiction, though I stopped doing that a long time ago.
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To me, it's very unfair to compare Resident Evil and Silent Hill endings. Silent Hill in itself is a game with much more subtle simbolism that needs to be explained, or at least aluded in some way. Plus, every Silent Hill is played with a different protagonist, with its own mysteries to solve and their reason to be in the city. in Resident Evil, the back story of the protagonists are normally clear and known beforehand (and when they don't, they simply don't care, like Ethan), plus, the nature of Resident Evil storytelling normally wraps up what happened in a clean way. The protagonists survived, the monsters are dead, the city exploded, the lab exploded, the bio hazard was contained, end of story. Whatever ties one game still have, the next game might explore. Resident Evil endings are fine the way they are. Not every game needs a 20 minute Final Fantasy ending or some Metal Gear mini movie ending.
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So answer me this: Take for example REmake2. What exactly would you have wanted to see to make it a good ending? You keep saying you want something delivered. What is that something? Do you even know? Are you one of those people who just doesn't like ambiguous endings where literally anything can happen after the screen goes black? I'm genuinely curious because I would hear stuff like this on fanfiction.net when I wrote fan fiction, though I stopped doing that a long time ago.
Yeah I know what I'm talking about thanks unless I would not even write this thread XD I want that endings deliver a meaning and a character development and emotion... I like ambiguous ending, Remake ending is not ambiguos like you say, it's ridicolous, like all the other re ending, the ambiguous one are from the revelations series or chronicles series... Have you ever watched the thing the one from 1982? That's an ambiguous ending not the resident evil 2 remake one, and that movie is my favorite movie of all time so please don't ask me if I love ambiguous ending, or talking to me like if I don't know what I'm talking about...

Instead of having leon and Claire flerting in the ending and Sherry talking about puppy they could have show this for example: claire say that she had to go because she had to find Chris, Sherry doesn't want her to go because he want them to be togheter and he already lost a mother and doesn't want to be alone again... Claire decided to go anyway in tears and leave Sherry whit leon... Soon after leon and sherry are taken to safety by the US governments, they are taken into a facility, Leon is taken into a different room than sherry... Some man approach sherry and say that she is going to be safe know and that she will stay whit them for a long time... The man are obviously scientist who want to investigate the nature of the virus in her body... We can clearly see that Sherry is sad because she is alone again... While leon talk to other people who tell him about the situations and that if he want sherry to be safe he must join the US forces... And this play a bit like darkside chronicles ending...

This endings I wrote deliver much more emotion between characters... Sherry and Claire are split again and Sherry is alone again, Leon decided to continue protect innocent in this case Sherry and despite his internal struggle he diced to join the US forces to continue protect her, and they are unaware of what can happen next... This is an ambiguous and emotional ending, that could just have been 5 minutes or less long...

Or they could just put darkside chronicles ending into the remake:

Tell what you want but this ending if far more powerful in emotion and ambiguous than the remake ending

To me, it's very unfair to compare Resident Evil and Silent Hill endings.
Probably but I called into cause other game like the evil whitin and fear who are in some way similar to re, and they have fare better endings...

Resident Evil endings are fine the way they are. Not every game needs a 20 minute Final Fantasy ending or some Metal Gear mini movie ending.
I didn't say that they have to last 20 minutes but that they must be good ending, they must be written well but they aren't, they just look like they are cheap ending...they could have last 5 minutes or 1 minutes, the only important things is that they are written in a good way, like the chronicles ending a post above, it's only 2 minutes long but is more beautiful than the remake one...

However I personally didn't like re endings, I alway fell like something is missing in that endings, but I appreciate that there are people who can like them

Edit: just finished re 2 remake, the ending is not as ridicolous as I remember, but it's just an happy ending that doesn't want to mean anything
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I agree that we cannot 100% compare the endings of RE and SH because they are very different properties despite being in the same genre. However, I think the point stands that RE could use a little extra in the endings department if their contemporaries can as well.

How could we have improved the RE2 REmake ending?

After Claire, Leon, and Sherry escape - we see the devastation of the NEST being blown up. We see the zombies hordes in their last moments. We see what happens to the RPD. Then the camera pulls out of the city a little and focuses on the Raccoon City Clock Tower. And we hear a faint, but significant "Starsssss." Then BOOM, credits. After the credits, we get a sneak peak at Ada and how she survived with the G virus in tact.
I agree that we cannot 100% compare the endings of RE and SH because they are very different properties despite being in the same genre. However, I think the point stands that RE could use a little extra in the endings department if their contemporaries can as well.

How could we have improved the RE2 REmake ending?

After Claire, Leon, and Sherry escape - we see the devastation of the NEST being blown up. We see the zombies hordes in their last moments. We see what happens to the RPD. Then the camera pulls out of the city a little and focuses on the Raccoon City Clock Tower. And we hear a faint, but significant "Starsssss." Then BOOM, credits. After the credits, we get a sneak peak at Ada and how she survived with the G virus in tact.

See, I like this idea for an ending more than Wesker's because, while it may be interesting, it is far too long and to me it would feel like a whole new game which is not what I would want in an ending.

This, however, could be very doable, very quickly and without feeling like a new game.

@Albertwesker959 I said what I said because the vast majority of people who make vague statements such as 'this ending sucked, it needs to be better' generally have no idea what they actually want. I learned this while writing fan fiction as well, along with having been a member of many genre forums where people have said the same thing and yet could never clarify what they wanted. I never said you don't know what you're talking about. I was asking if you knew how you would end the game because most upset viewers do not. We can have our opinions just as you can have yours, and I imagine you wouldn't have posted this thread if you didn't want input.

You mentioned you want character development in the ending. Traditionally this is meant to be done throughout the character arc in the story and the final epiphany leading to the story's climax. Not in the ending. So once again I must disagree.

I am glad you actually know what you would want from an ending as that is more than most people could offer and yes I have seen The Thing (both of them) and many other films that don't spell things out for the viewer, just as I feel video game endings shouldn't have to spell everything out either. As for your proposed ending, we already got this backstory basically in RE6, so I don't see why they would go into it again in REmake2, but at the end of the day, they did what they did and we just have to make due.
See, I like this idea for an ending more than Wesker's because, while it may be interesting, it is far too long and to me it would feel like a whole new game which is not what I would want in an ending.

This, however, could be very doable, very quickly and without feeling like a new game.

@Albertwesker959 I said what I said because the vast majority of people who make vague statements such as 'this ending sucked, it needs to be better' generally have no idea what they actually want. I learned this while writing fan fiction as well, along with having been a member of many genre forums where people have said the same thing and yet could never clarify what they wanted. I never said you don't know what you're talking about. I was asking if you knew how you would end the game because most upset viewers do not. We can have our opinions just as you can have yours, and I imagine you wouldn't have posted this thread if you didn't want input.

You mentioned you want character development in the ending. Traditionally this is meant to be done throughout the character arc in the story and the final epiphany leading to the story's climax. Not in the ending. So once again I must disagree.

I am glad you actually know what you would want from an ending as that is more than most people could offer and yes I have seen The Thing (both of them) and many other films that don't spell things out for the viewer, just as I feel video game endings shouldn't have to spell everything out either. As for your proposed ending, we already got this backstory basically in RE6, so I don't see why they would go into it again in REmake2, but at the end of the day, they did what they did and we just have to make due.
Yeah obviously I want input from other people, and I'm glad that there are other who didn't think like and maybe can help me appreciate the endings more...
Also what do you think of the darkside chronicles ending? It s just 2 minutes long, and I think it s a better ending than the one from resident evil 2 remake, they could have use it in the remake...

Also i didn't particularly like the ending UniqTeas written, it just want to show something that it's already obvious such as the destruction of the nest and ada getting the sample, also nemesis its a character form another game and this ending would have only confused people who never played the other resident evil game...

Personally I would have preferred the darkside chronicles ending, but I'm ok now whit the ending we got in the remake....
Also resident evil 3 had secret ending That show the scene I mentioned before whit leon and Sherry taken by the government and Claire left to find chirs, I wonder if they will use them into the a resident evil 3 remake, and if so, if they are gonna be real cutscene or just drawn like the one from the original re 3
I don't dislike the Chronicles ending, it just drags a little in my opinion.

That being said, it also wasn't around when the original was made, so if REmake2 was exclusively drawing from 2, it would make sense to not include the Chronicles ending. It would also not make sense to have Uniq's ending.

I liked his ending idea though because it is minimalistic, keeps with the self destruct trope from the games, and offers just enough or a foreshadowing teaser to make you want to play a sequel.
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They don't really give you that much of a satisfying go home feeling but it is what it is.

The ending is bad because the game is over too, I always complain about how games should have been extended in the main story when I finish it:confused: