When it was first revealed that Resident Evil 5 would have co-op, I was just coming off of beating my first Resident Evil game, being Resident Evil 4. I had followed the series from the beginning by watching my brother play through the games and I was still too young to have played any of the classics without any major help, so I was absolutely proud of myself for completing Resident Evil 4 all by myself.
So when news broke that Resident Evil 5 was co-op, my brother and I were excited at the idea of being able to play a Resident Evil game together, especially after the glimpse RE0 gave us into that possibility. We didn't question much about the series then, and we had a total blast playing through Resident Evil 5. It was a very different thing for not just the series, but gaming as well.
But by the time the hype for Resident Evil 6 had settled, I started to feel a disconnect from the series. I started to analyze things, see the way things have been changing and where they're going and I found myself disappointed. I had realized that despite how fun it was to play a Resident Evil game with someone else, it just wasn't Resident Evil.
And while the Revelations games were primarily single player, it still felt like they hadn't fully abandoned that co-op mentality. You were never completely alone, with an a.i. partner always following you around, and it never really felt like true survival horror.
And despite how I feel about RE7, I will say, it was definitely refreshing to see the series ditch co-op and return to complete isolated single player horror and then done completely right with the RE2 REmake. This is definitely what I want from the series moving forward, but lately, I've been feeling a little nostalgic for RE5.
I think it's just the similarities in gameplay I've noticed while playing RE2 REmake and realizing how much RE5 got right that RE6 and RE7 didn't. Not to mention, how amazingly the game still holds up graphically after 10 years. It's just been popping up in my head so much lately, and maybe it's the lack of Resident Evil games lately, but I just feel like I could really go for another co-op Resident Evil experience.
It sounds hypocritical as a long time survival horror fan who has been begging for a return to single player, but I also never hated co-op and now that it's gone, it just doesn't feel right. Like, I totally wouldn't mind if the Revelations series became pure co-op games, but like RE5 and not too over the top like RE6 or boring like Revelations 2. They should still lean more towards horror, but with great action set pieces and big boss battles designed for co-op.
I think that's really something to think about as well. Co-op doesn't necessarily have to mean action either. If they could manage to make a survival horror co-op game work really well, I'd love to see it. But I also want it to be distinctly Resident Evil. As in traditional Resident Evil gameplay, characters, and story rather than some meaningless co-op spinoff that's just set in the Resident Evil universe but feels like an entirely different game.
So what are your guy's thoughts on the co-op Resident Evil games? Did you enjoy them? Did you have someone to play with? Was forced co-op really that awful? Are you glad the series is single player focused again or would you like to see co-op return in some capacity?
So when news broke that Resident Evil 5 was co-op, my brother and I were excited at the idea of being able to play a Resident Evil game together, especially after the glimpse RE0 gave us into that possibility. We didn't question much about the series then, and we had a total blast playing through Resident Evil 5. It was a very different thing for not just the series, but gaming as well.
But by the time the hype for Resident Evil 6 had settled, I started to feel a disconnect from the series. I started to analyze things, see the way things have been changing and where they're going and I found myself disappointed. I had realized that despite how fun it was to play a Resident Evil game with someone else, it just wasn't Resident Evil.
And while the Revelations games were primarily single player, it still felt like they hadn't fully abandoned that co-op mentality. You were never completely alone, with an a.i. partner always following you around, and it never really felt like true survival horror.
And despite how I feel about RE7, I will say, it was definitely refreshing to see the series ditch co-op and return to complete isolated single player horror and then done completely right with the RE2 REmake. This is definitely what I want from the series moving forward, but lately, I've been feeling a little nostalgic for RE5.
I think it's just the similarities in gameplay I've noticed while playing RE2 REmake and realizing how much RE5 got right that RE6 and RE7 didn't. Not to mention, how amazingly the game still holds up graphically after 10 years. It's just been popping up in my head so much lately, and maybe it's the lack of Resident Evil games lately, but I just feel like I could really go for another co-op Resident Evil experience.
It sounds hypocritical as a long time survival horror fan who has been begging for a return to single player, but I also never hated co-op and now that it's gone, it just doesn't feel right. Like, I totally wouldn't mind if the Revelations series became pure co-op games, but like RE5 and not too over the top like RE6 or boring like Revelations 2. They should still lean more towards horror, but with great action set pieces and big boss battles designed for co-op.
I think that's really something to think about as well. Co-op doesn't necessarily have to mean action either. If they could manage to make a survival horror co-op game work really well, I'd love to see it. But I also want it to be distinctly Resident Evil. As in traditional Resident Evil gameplay, characters, and story rather than some meaningless co-op spinoff that's just set in the Resident Evil universe but feels like an entirely different game.
So what are your guy's thoughts on the co-op Resident Evil games? Did you enjoy them? Did you have someone to play with? Was forced co-op really that awful? Are you glad the series is single player focused again or would you like to see co-op return in some capacity?