Revelations 3: Hopes, Wishes, Theories, Discussions

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Goddess of the Dead
Jul 29, 2012
Before anyone jumps for joy: No, there hasn't been an official announcement, nor an unofficial leak, sorry. This is just a place for general discussion and speculation about a possible continuation of the Revelations series, inspired by this thread.

Revelations 1 was released in early 2012 on the 3DS, and back then Capcom most likely had no idea how successful it was going to be. Not without faults, but still praised for backing away from the more action-heavy direction of other titles towards a more horror-focused approach, lending the spotlight to the women of the series after the numbered titles had become rather male-dominated since RE4, and introducing Raid Mode, the game has since been ported to modern platforms and even spawned a sequel three years later… which was three years ago, so it's about time for a new one, isn't it?

Personally, I can see the Revelations series moving in one of the following three directions from now on:
1. The third game will star either Jill or Claire again and continue her story.
2. It will star both Jill and Claire and combine their stories (because so far, the Revelations games are rather loosely connected by their title only).
3. It will star a third recurring female character (possibly Ada, Sherry, or Rebecca) and tell a completely different story.

Personally, I like the third option best, with yet another sequel bringing everything together in the far future. But what do you think? Who or what would you like to see in Revelations 3? Do you even want the Revelations series to be continued at all? Discuss!

Edit: DAMN IT, wrong subforum again! Having one called "General Discussion" and antoher called "Resident Evil General Discussion" is way too confusing for me. @Romero or @La Femme Fatale, could someone please move it there?
Personally I would love it if Claire and Jill came back, because neither have gotten any love from the main series in so long, and, like I stated in the other thread, I would honestly like for it to revolve around Alex wreaking havoc in Natalia's body.

Maybe not pick up where Revelations 2 left off, though. Perhaps Natalia's going off to college and Alex decides to take her plan to the next level because she feels as though her host body is old enough. I would be super interested to see how Alex decides to move forward once Natalia is older and she has a bit more freedom, leading Alex to do as she pleases.
I need a follow up on Natalia/Alex... It's kind of a must with the way Revelations 2 ended. I don't see the issue of featuring Alex as the leading villain for even the next major title because they mentioned her in RE5... I suppose casual gamers would be confused as to why she's trapped in a little girl's body though. If they took time and effort in developing the story it would be fine, but if the only option is another Revelations game then so be it.

I like the idea of Jill, Claire and Ada all being featured together. A big hope for me is that they put a little more money and effort into the development of the next Revelations game, especially if its going to be the only way we see the icons of the series again.

Seeing a Chris and Barry team up is something that should happen too because we've never really seen them together in yet its been said that they're close. I think Moira should be featured again as it would only make sense for her to come into play with Natalia/Alex being involved. I also think bringing Jake back would be a smart move as his character has so much potential between Alex Wesker and Chris. Revelations game or not, I want this stuff to develop in any future RE game(s). Things need to start coming full circle.
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Things need to start coming full circle.
This. No matter what happens now or in the future, this needs to happen. Resident Evil has been running around all over the place for a while now and I feel like it's high time we got some answers/closure with certain elements of the games. Things that have been mentioned and forgotten about, people who have been mentioned and forgotten about.

If Metal Gear can find the time to shed light on its convoluted ass story, Resident Evil should be able to.
If Metal Gear can find the time to shed light on its convoluted ass story, Resident Evil should be able to.
Just depends on whether the answers are as disappointing as the ones presented in MGS4 onward. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But that's a different discussion entirely.

I'd just love an announcement at all of us getting another Revelations game, since those are what continue the Resident Evil 4 design trend while the numbered entries as of late experiment with radical design and story departures (which is the total opposite of other series I've seen)
The first two Revelations games are two of my favourites from the past couple years. Revelations 1 in particular was a breath of fresh air after the year that gave us Operation Raccoon City and Resident Evil 6. Revelations 2 I think also had some good ideas, not the least of which was actually elaborating and following up on Alex Wesker.
I like the idea of Jill, Claire and Ada all being featured together.

Throw Sherry and Rebecca into that mix and make Alex Wesker the main villain, and I'm perfectly happy! :biggrin: Although they would have to come up with something to make Sherry and Rebecca more distinct from one another, those two are way too similar at the moment.

Just imagine all these cool women combining their individual skills, experience, and personalities to fight for a common goal: One of the original founders of the BSAA with a knack for lock-picking and technology, everyone's favourite TerraSave agent on her motorcycle, a stealthy spy with a grappling-hook pistol, a highly intelligent scientist and paramedic, and Supergirl with her healing factor, vs. Natalex. Damn... If only half of the ideas that are popping up in my head right now were realised, they would have to print a warning on the disc that Capcom will not be held responsible for any damage caused by the sheer amount of badassery.

But as I said, I would be fine with this not being the next game in the series, but another one further down the line, even finer if they hired qualified personnel for the story and a proper representation of each of these characters. No more botching previously established personalities, please!
The idea of having Chris and Leon off on their own mission and needing to be rescued at some point from the ladies would be amusing. :biggrin:

Does anyone else want Chris to realize that it wasn’t really Ada involved in RE6? :razz:
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I don't know, the male stars having to be saved by the female stars would seem a bit to "female empowerment" cliche for my taste, although I am on board with a new/different from the maincast of females taking the lead for a change such as a Rebecca or Sherry and have them take on Alex/Natalia who by the time the game is released should have a age of around 16 to 19 (I think if they are making a REV3 a release in the next couple years would be possible).
Meh I think the idea of having an all female cast (villain included) already risks that cliche. The boys would brings some balance back. Ultimately I don’t think Chris and Leon should be the ones to save the day again when it comes to Alex, have them out smarted by her. Brains versus brawn. Of course there is a way of doing all this tastefully so that it’s not being shoved in everyone’s face in some failed attempt of “I am woman hear me roar”. Ada saving both Leon and Chris would actually add something to the story- at least at some point for the series.

Honestly I think it is important that they bring Barry back into the mix seeing as Natalia is his adopted daughter. We always see a mother and child relationship in most media outlets, I don’t think the relationship of father and daughter is played up on nearly as much though.

To make it clear with my initial post, I don’t think that all of that should happen in one game. This needs to be a slow build. Make Alex a good threat for at least 2-3 games before they take her down. Slow cook.

Also I love the fact that we actually have some aging ladies in the mix. Like Ellen Ripley. It just adds some level of sophistication to them. And Claire on a motorcycle again needs to happen.
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I guess what I want for Revelations 3 depends on what we get for RE8. I know that Rev3 will probably come out before RE8 but if the main characters (Chris, Jill, Claire, Leon) come back to being main characters in the numbered games then I would want Rev3 to continue the previous game’s less used characters thing. Rebecca, Billy, Sheva, Josh, Carlos would all be good candidates. On the flip side, if RE8 pulls an RE7 and has completely new characters then I would want the main chracters to take a hold of the Revelations series.

Anyway, considering Revelations 2 is probably my favourite game since Code Veronica, I hope that the story of the next one will be as good. I would like the game to continue the story of Natalex although I wouldn’t mind if they did end up saving it for a future game. Also maybe include Raymond and Jessica to tie up those loose ends?

I’d want the gameplay to be pretty much what Rev2 was. A good mixture of horror and action gameplay with a load of puzzles thrown in. No first person please Capcom.
I don't know, the male stars having to be saved by the female stars would seem a bit to "female empowerment" cliche for my taste

I understand what you mean, especially in combination with my idea of an all-female cast, having something like that happen on top of it might taste like overkill. But in general, I'd say every gender has saved every gender often enough throughout the series that we're past this point by now.

And whatever one might think of Ada, there is no denying that she is the saviour of the RE universe. Having recently played through the entirety of RE4 for the first time, I can think of at least three times Leon would be dead if not for her timely intervention, she saves him yet again in Damnation by letting him out of the president's lair, then in RE6 when Simmons is coming after him and Helena on the elevator cable, and again when Simmons is trying to kick him off the rooftops. She also spectacularly saves Sherry from being butchered by either Opizda or a helicopter rotor, and provides the rocket launcher for the heroes to finish off the bad guy in every game she appears in, it's almost a running gag.

I'm not saying that no one ever saves her ass in return (although I can't really think of that many situations), but for someone who is supposed to be rather cold and distant and backstabbing everyone she has ever worked with, she's quite the guardian angel. To my bitter disappointment when I first played RE6, there was no Ada ex machina to somehow save Piers from the underwater base, but maybe her saving Chris at some point would convince him that she's not the same person who killed his BSAA buddies. And it's about time to find out a little more about her background anyway, learning her genuine intentions would be a true revelation, so I really hope Revelations 3 will focus on her.
Revelations 3 could be taken so many different ways that it's hard for me to pinpoint one exact direction that I'd like the game to go in. However, I do think that there should only be two scenarios running alongside each other at most, so I wouldn't want it too overcrowded with the main characters, unless this was only done using cameos. When RE6 was flooded with characters it made all of the campaigns seem short and made the experience somewhat disjointed to me, so that's my reasoning behind not wanting too many characters in there.

One thing I do want reconciled is the whole Ada storyline. We really don't know any more about her than we did in RE2, she's played the same role as the sidelines spy over and over and she hasn't really had much development. We don't really know who she's working for, what her motives are, or even what her real name is. You could just explain this by saying that spies aren't meant to be explored much, but when she's been in the series for such a long time and she's been a playable character, we're more invested in her and I think some more information is neccessary. Whether Revelations 3 is the right place to do that I don't know, but perhaps she could be looking into the T-Phobos virus for her organisation, or even 'working' for Alex? Just throwing some ideas out there because I'd really love to know more about her.

Having said that, with the whole Natalia/Alex scenario there's certainly a lot of different characters that could be associated with them. We have the Burtons of course, Claire, Chris and Jill by extension. Therefore, I'd think it would be pretty cool if the Burtons asked the BSAA for help (or, to protect Natalia, perhaps they'd just ask Chris or Jill privately) due to some sort of problem they encounter with Natalia. They could send in Jill and we'd have a reunion between Barry and Jill, and a new combination with Jill and Claire.

Of course, it wouldn't be Resident Evil without an outbreak of some kind, and that's sort of the part where I struggle a little with the above scenario. Perhaps Natalex would take herself off somewhere to wreak havoc and the Burtons think she's gone missing, search her room and find work on virus creation and excerpts from Kafka? And that could be where they bring in the others to help, but then they'd find out about an outbreak somewhere and go straight there to find her. (If anyone else has any good ideas for how an outbreak could occur, I'd love to hear them).

I have a few more general things that I'd like to see in the game. As far as gameplay is concerned, I'd like something similar to Revelations 2, as Loki said above, with a good mix of action and horror, but I'd want the horror played up more than it was in Revelations 2. I also hope that the level designs wouldn't be as linear and I'd also get rid of the episodic chapters that are typical of the Revelations series. I think that there shouldn't be too many unnecessary side characters in there because they're often only there to be killed off in some way or end up being forgotten about or have unresolved storylines. Personally, I think it would be good to just focus on the characters directly involved so that we can have some proper story development.
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I like the idea of having Ada involved somehow. Though, I personally don't want a direct follow up to Revelations 2. Ideally, this would take place sometime after 6 and before 7, so I wouldn't want some awkward teenage girl running around being the villain. They should definitely find a way to tie the bigger picture to Alex somehow and explain whether or not she ran away from the Burtons through files or something. I'd rather feel Alex's presence without her having to be physically involved, much like how Wesker was running things from behind the scenes. That way, her torment can reach more characters and eventually lead to a more satisfactory conclusion involving most of the characters, unlike RE5.

Personally, I really liked the idea of bringing back Rebecca as it's been a bit of a trend with this series to bring back the long unused female leads of the story. But after reading through some of the comments, I'd rather have the story focus on the "Leon side" of things. Leon and Sherry could be the main two leads, and Ada could play a large part in the story and even be playable in some instances as her character would definitely offer plenty of twists and "revelations" throughout the story.
Yeah they should expand on Ada for the next Revelations game, its been a long time coming and would be fitting in terms of the running title for this side series. I also really love @Jen's idea for Natalia/Alex.

For the next outbreak in the series, we can't really forget about the mystery person Lucas was in contact with in Not a Hero. I do find it a bit strange that Capcom didn't give us even the slightest glimpse of who it was, especially if they're an all new villain. Which leads me to think that maybe its someone we've seen before... Regardless we have an outbreak that can stem from whomever this is. Then of course there are the lose ends of Raymond and Jessica.

When it comes to featuring a lot of power characters in a game, I understand the doubt that some fans have with this because of how RE6 turned out. But that game was clearly not well thought out, plus Capcom used the co-op gameplay to really drive the development of the characters/story. Leon's arc struggled the most as they completely downplayed his character just to showcase an all new pretty face that will likely never be seen again. He should have been partnered with Sherry for RE6. Though teaming him up with Sherry in another instalment wouldn't be bad either.

Rebecca I don't think should be another playable major character. Though I do think that her character has a lot of potential in progressing the story along since she is a renowned researcher- based on Vendetta.
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I'd like to have Billy Coen back, since his last game was The Umbrella Chronicles, which was a rehash of Zero. Or Fongling. But since Fongling is a side game character, I cannot see her coming back.
Well, ya all said what I thought:

- I would love a follow up to Revelations 2, and to have Moira back (Natalia IS her adopted sister now, and this fact could push her to develop even more as a character) - but as most has said, it would be too soon timeline-wise. It has to be a slow burn.
- It may be because I'm replaying RE0 lately and because I really loved the way she was potrayed in Vendetta, but I would love to have Rebecca back (the fact that she isn't as much of a fighter as the other leading ladies could also help with the 'horror' factor).
- Other characters I would love to see back: Moira, Jill (I still dream of the day we'll actually get a new game with her post RE-5), Carlos (Mah boy disappeared from the face of earth after RE3), Billy (yeah, that would be kind of tricky since he's such a good one-time character, and since he needs some real Writing to came back), Barry (he deserve more than a game) and Claire. Hell, I would also love to see Ashley again. :p
- Sherry is also a good choice, but I think that her healing power could be a problem (also, can you imagine having Moira, Sherry and Rebecca all in one game? That would be hilarious, considering their similar styles).
- More Alex pls (she may be a little girl, but she could still have some connections - I can see her planning long-term pre-Rev 2).
- I want two scenarios (3 if Ada is in there - she could have something along the lines of 'Separate Ways').
- What happens in the first scenario should affect what happens in the second (RE2 & Rev 2 style, but better thought out).

I don't want Ada as the main character if they're not going to develop her. I don't even like her that much, but she deserves better than what she got so far - give us more informations about her past, let her grown as a character, put a stop at the whole I-may-or-may-not-like/flirt with-Leon - either make them a thing or stop it there, because it's becoming frustating to watch.
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I'm not against the idea of Rev3 being more female-oriented, in fact, I do think the main numbered titles have been way too Chris/Leon-centric for awhile now, so giving the women some spotlight is great. Fun fact: Most Claire, Jill and Ada fans I talked to, consider modern day Capcom to be sexist or downright misogynistic

Characters I'd love to see again:

-Jill Valentine: Not because I like her, but because we haven't seen her since RE5 (2009! It's been 9 years since we saw her and Rev1 was set in 2005). It'd be interesting to explore her trauma. We already had several times Chris' stories being centered around him losing people and how it affected him, but Jill would be more interesting because we've never seen a character being used as a weapon and actually survive this to tell a tale. Oh and she should appear preferably without Chris, because I think if he shows up with her, the focus will shift to him and relegating Jill to her partner role again. Other than that, I'd like to see her view on this BSAA/Blue Umbrella mess, given she's equally tied.

Ada Wong: I'd like to explore her without Leon, for god's sake. I'm getting tired of her cat-and-mouse game with Leon. For once, I think we should finally know more about her because certainly, this whole mysterious woman trope has overstayed its welcome.

I've seen people suggesting Rebecca but I believe Vendetta has established that she's been more in the background, which is okay. Not everyone needs to work at the front and you can still characterize her without her being a playable character. Worked well for the Uncharted franchise.

However, I do believe that Chris and Leon need a break, after appearing almost everywhere.
Fun fact: Most Claire, Jill and Ada fans I talked to, consider modern day Capcom to be sexist or downright misogynistic


All I will say is that I'm not nearly bold enough to make such a claim about an entire company.

However, I do agree I like to see Jill again after Revelations 1 doing something a little more independent of Chris mainly because I feel Chris's sections in Revelations 1 were the weakest and came just when Jill's story was ramping up. It would be like Resident Evil 4 was interrupted with Ashley gameplay more than once.

And Ada really deserves another game after what I feel was the worst scenario in Resident Evil 6.