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Post image of your fav RE characters...


What are your favorite characters on RE? Share your character art with us.

My favorite characters are: Ada, Leon, Rebecca, Claire...

Ada Wong; I like her attitude, her mysteriousness and first time I actually started to like her was when I played Resident Evil 4, It was one of the best RE games besides RE2 where I got to meet Ada.
Anyways that moment when I saw her in Resident Evil 4 she was my fave (and Leon too)
I remember when I was hurrying up to complete the game just to SEE if I'll be able to play some sub-missions with her (At that time I didn't even know Separate ways existed)
When I found out, I was so excited to try to play a game from Ada's point of view and that's when I became fan of hers. Now I am waiting on every game to see if Ada will be playable. So yup, out of all Resident Evil character she is the most favorite to me. There are others too like Rebecca, Leon and Claire.
But Ada has to be No. 1

(My English isn't perfect)

1. Ada Wong

2. Rebecca Chambers

3. Leon S. Kennedy & Claire Redfield
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